Äntligen! I förmiddags levererades, ett antal veckor försenat, våra ytterdörrar. Finally, this morning our new doors were delivered. A couple of weeks late.
Vi har verkligen väntat på den här leveransen. Putsarna har fått putsa runt de gamla dörrarna för att kunna fortsätta med sitt jobb. Just nu håller vi på att byta ut den stora entredörren. Fotar i morgon.
We have really been waiting for this delivery as we havent been able to finalise the exterior of our house due to the delay. Right now we are replacing the main entry door. Will take pictures tomorrow.
We have really been waiting for this delivery as we havent been able to finalise the exterior of our house due to the delay. Right now we are replacing the main entry door. Will take pictures tomorrow.
Garagedörren kommer att bytas ut under morgondagen. The garagedoor will be replaced tomorrow.
Den här groventredörren är redan utbytt. Bilder kommer i morgon. This door is already replaced. Pictures tomorrow.
Gud vad det är skönt att det händer något som verkligen förädlar huset. De senaste dagarna har mest gått åt att få dit fönsterbleck samt montera om några fönster som var felmonterade från början.
It feels soo great to be doing something that really enhances the exterior. The last couple of days we have spent re-replacing a number of windows that were not mounted correctly from the beginning.
It feels soo great to be doing something that really enhances the exterior. The last couple of days we have spent re-replacing a number of windows that were not mounted correctly from the beginning.