Det här är min yngsta son. Ett av de första orden han sa var: brandbil. Han älskar bilar och särskilt brandbilar. När han nu ska få ett eget rum så hade jag tänkt göra ett brandmanstema.
På ena väggen vill jag ha en fondvägg. Har hittat en massa fina bilder på fotolia men jag kan omöjligt bestämma vilken jag ska välja. Skulle vilja ha lite råd. Vad tycker ni? Vilken av nedan tror ni skulle bli bäst som fondvägg?

Sen fanns det en massa bilder med enbart en brandbil på men det tycker jag blir lite tråkigt. Har en del fina brandmansinspirerande inredningsdetaljer som jag samlat på mig. Men det får ni se i nästa inlägg.
Brandmansdräkten på bilden har jag köpt på en fantastisk leksaksaffär i New York som heter FAO Schwartz.
My youngest son loves fire trucks. And when he now gets his own room I want to design it with a fire fighter theme. Found some nice pictures at fotolia and I want to make one of them as a wallpaper to cover one of the walls. Cant decide which one and want your help. I didnt want to choose a picture with just a fire truck as I think that might be a bit boring. What do you think? Which one of the above would be best on the wall?
The fire fighter suit I bought at a wonderful toy store in New York called FAO Schwartz. I have also collected some details in the fire fighting theme that I will show in my next post. So please, help me make the decision!
Brandmansdräkten på bilden har jag köpt på en fantastisk leksaksaffär i New York som heter FAO Schwartz.
My youngest son loves fire trucks. And when he now gets his own room I want to design it with a fire fighter theme. Found some nice pictures at fotolia and I want to make one of them as a wallpaper to cover one of the walls. Cant decide which one and want your help. I didnt want to choose a picture with just a fire truck as I think that might be a bit boring. What do you think? Which one of the above would be best on the wall?
The fire fighter suit I bought at a wonderful toy store in New York called FAO Schwartz. I have also collected some details in the fire fighting theme that I will show in my next post. So please, help me make the decision!