Kommer ni ihåg isskulpturen från förra inlägget? Har fått nya bilder och grannen kan nu meddela att körsbärsträdet är i full blom! Helt otroligt - från isskulptur till blommande körsbärsträd på typ två veckor. Och så har en liten talgoxe flyttat in i grannträdet.
Med detta vårtecken vill jag önska alla en riktigt härlig Valborg!!!
Remeber the ice sculpture pictures from my last post? Got some new pictures from my neighbour this morning and the cherry tree is now in full bloom. Two weeks after being an ice sculpture. Amazing! In Sweden we are celebrating spring by having huge bonefires tonight. Looking forward to a long and lazy weekend! Have a great weekend everyone!
Remeber the ice sculpture pictures from my last post? Got some new pictures from my neighbour this morning and the cherry tree is now in full bloom. Two weeks after being an ice sculpture. Amazing! In Sweden we are celebrating spring by having huge bonefires tonight. Looking forward to a long and lazy weekend! Have a great weekend everyone!